Slovenia : river and sea data.

Borovniščica - Borovnica & Pšata - Topole

Valid on: 2024-06-07 06:01Obtained at: 2024-06-07 06:29:37
Refresh time: 5 minutesPage plotted: 
Data: temperatureflowheight
 :: Borovniščica - Borovnica & Pšata - Topole :: temperature | flow | height :: last two days / 5 minutes. :: Borovniščica - Borovnica & Pšata - Topole :: temperature | flow | height :: last two months / 2 hours.

Period: dayweekmonthyear
Duration: doublecurrenthalfquarter
Values: currentminimumaveragemaximum
Units: metricimperial
Remove: Borovniščica - BorovnicaPšata - Topole
Swap: yesno
Show: two graphsabsolutedifferenceaverage
Height: smallnormaltall
Width: narrownormalwide
Index: withoutshortnormallong
Line: nofirstcurrentminimumaveragemaximum5% average95% average
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